首页 佛山市三水区西南街石创机械设备厂 产品列表 供应 单组多锯片开料机

 单组多锯片开料机multi blade saw machine   本系列产品适用于将大规格墙地板分割成所需的条形砖,方形砖,菱形砖等加工尺寸12-600(800),也可以一次分割不同宽度的砖块,也可以先预切后切断。此工序可令产量更加大,无破损。燕尾槽升降,双支撑龙门结构。切割时更稳定,震动更小。 This equipment is suitable for cutting large size board into the strip tiles, square brick, and diamond brick etc. Processing size from 12 to 600(800)mm. It can segment different widths of bricks  it can also first pre cutting, then cutting . this process can make the output increased, no damage. Dovetail slot lifting,double longmen support structure. It is more stable and less vibration when cutting . 一次性把一块板切成若干条,大大的减少了时间增加了效率!!! 主要技术参数: Working speed工作速度:1-4m/min Working thickness工作厚度:30mm Working width 工作宽度:10-800mm Total power总功率:16.65KW Equipment dimension 设备尺寸:2040*1600*1630mm