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主营:如意(水头)石业有限公司,位于世界石材之都中国.水头,交通便捷.公司是一家集大理石、荒料开采加工为一体的石材出口型企业,公司拥有一批具有多年石材经验的专业技术人员,并有配 套先进的生产加工厂,以高质量的产品、准时的交期、优惠的价格和一支专业、高效的客户服务 团队赢得了广大客户的赞誉和信赖。产品专为木纹石及各式建筑用材,主要出口欧美、韩国,日本、台湾及东南亚国家和地区,深受广大客户赞誉。公司坚持“以市场为 导向、以技术为主体、以质量为命脉、以效益为中心”大胆探索,始终走在行业前列,并在诚守“质量第一、信誉第一、服务第一”的企业精神指导下,不断超越、 进步。我们愿与海内外同仁一道,在平等互利的基础上拓展业务,欢迎来函、来电联系,更欢迎莅临公司考察指导。 Lucky Stone Co.,Ltd is located in Shuitou China. which is famous as the Hometown of Stone Carving in China.We specializes in manufacturing exporting various natural stone products.We take full advantage of abundant domestic international stone materials, inheriting the traditional carving technology. Over the years Lucky Stone has built up a good relationship with the suppliers. In addition, there are professional sful workers. Therefore, any sample or design specification can be fabricated to satisfy your needs. Lucky Stone Co., Ltd is an exping company with an enthusiastic efficient team. Competing with the giants, we have our own advantages: smaller running expenses, more flexible decision-making, more efficient communication. Lucky Stone can consequently offer you more competitive prices more gratifying products. “Faithful mutual benefit” is our principle. We are looking for frily long-term partners.