首页 全国工商联石材业商会




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全国工商联石材业商会中华全国工商业联合会石材业商会(简称:全国工商联石材业商会),是由国内具有代表性的石材企业发起,经中华全国工商业联合会(简称:全国工商联)批准成立的全国性行业组织,是全国工商联直属会员商会成员。是*代表中国石材行业的商会。 中华全国工商业联合会(简称全国工商联)的性质和地位概括为:全国工商联是中国共产党领导的中国工商界组成的人民团体和民间商会,是党和政府联合非公有制人士的桥梁和纽带,是政府管理非公有制经济的助手。 全国工商业联石材业商会将代表中国石材业广大企业的共同利益,致力于抓住石材业发展的特点、焦点,做到求真务实、有的放矢、注重成效。全国工商联石材业商会主要建设有六个平台:信息平台、国际交流平台、技术支持平台、经济合作贸易平台、法律平台、金融平台。具体工作有:一是参与制定行业发展战略规划和年度计划,对行业改革与发展的重要问题向政府提出建议,为政府决策提供依据;二是协调行业内部关系,制定行规行约,推动行业自律,平等竞争;三是组织石材产品交易活动,指导流通市场有序发展;四是承担国家对企业标准和行业标准的制定与修改,经政府部门批准后组织实施;五是开展行业检查、行业评比活动;六是承担行业的科研管理、质量管理、质量认证、质量监督;七是负责企业统计和市场信息的收集、分析、发布、组建行业贸易流通网络;八是组织国际合作与交流协助会员单位开拓国际市场,引进国外先进技术、项目、招商引资等。由此,使商会初步形成了在市场经济体制下独立开展工作的新机制。全国工商联石材业商会的目标是提高我国石材产业整体水平,实现中国跻身世界石材工业强国。 China Chamber of Commerce for Stone Industry China Chamber of Commerce for Stone Industry (CCSI) is a government-authorised people’s organisation. CCSI is an essential bridge between non-public ownership economy the Communist Party of China, as well as, the assistant of Chinese government to administrate non-public economies. CCSI promotes the continual stable development for the stone industry to six main platforms - information, international communication, technical support, economic cooperation trading, law regulations, finance. CCSI is the only representative of China Stone Industry in charge of participation in ting strategic annual plan of industrial development; provide essential advise to the Chinese government on the important issue of trade reform development, coordinate the intra-industry relations; establish regulations rules of China’s stone industry; promote self-regulation fair trade in the industry, organise stone product trade direct circulation market to orderly development, am institute enterprise stards industry stards; organise the implementation after the approval of the rational government departments, conduct inspection appraisal activities for stone industry, assume scientific research management; quality control; quality certification quality supervision; responsible for the collection, analysis publication of business statistics market information; build a strong network for trade circulation of stone industry.
